Johnny Utah is a 3X World Champion BASE jumper with 3,000+ BASE jumps and 10 BASE World Records in the 37 years of his BASE career. In Skydiving Johnny Utah is a World Champion Wingsuit pilot with 8,000+ skydives and 3 Skydiving World Records in the 40 years of his skydiving career. Johnny has been teaching BASE jumping for 33 years and has developed very effective teaching methods. He was the first to begin teaching BASE First Jump Courses at the Perrine Bridge, whereby he conceived and developed an innovative approach to teaching a BASE FJC. He coined the term BASE Camp as a name fitting for his more involved longer BASE jumping courses which give his students a higher level of competency and solid foundation to build upon during their BASE career. Johnny Utah's BASE Camp (FJC) at the Perrine Bridge set the standard 28 years ago for BASE courses all over the world, and for the last nearly 3 decades BASE Camp continues to teach skydivers not only how to BASE jump, but how to become a solid BASE Jumper!

New River Gorge Bridge, West Virginia
This option is for skydivers new to BASE jumping who want to do a complete First Jump Course (FJC) in preparation for jumping during Bridge Day. The ground school and training will be on Thursday and Friday, with jumping to take place on Saturday during the Bridge Day jumping window of 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
BRIDGE DAY extended 3-day FJC is a complete and thorough BASE First Jump Course intended for experienced skydivers with little or no BASE experience. You will need to register to jump at Bridge Day separately and therefore you must meet the minimum jump experience requirement for Bridge Day. To attend this course, you must have skydiving experience. You must use BASE specific gear. Every student needs their own rig for the course. Some gear rental is available.
Students are taught the fundamental aspects of the sport. This 3-day FJC covers the following:
- BASE gear knowledge and proper gear setup
- Packing instruction
- Gear checks
- Jump Priorities
- Malfunctions and Emergency Procedures
- Heading Correction techniques
- Exit training and different exit methods
- Freefall Control
- Deployment methods and techniques
- Canopy Flight and Patterns
- Landings
- Assessing wind and weather
- BASE ethics
- Information about jumping other objects
- Making good judgment calls
- Finding a mentor
The course includes:
- BASE First Jump Course (BFJC)
- Johnny Utah's Packing Video sent to you in advance to practice packing before the course
- BASE CAMP (FJC) Course Packet
- In-depth Instruction with the Bridge Day Safety Video covering malfunctions, glitches, & pilot errors
- Packing Instruction during the ground school portion of the course
- Jump Mastering during first and second jump
- Video of YOU jumping
Participants are responsible for their travel, lodging, food, gear, and Bridge Day Registration.
Special Bridge Day extended 3-day course fee $995 (If paying by credit card add 3%)
October 17-19, 2024 (Oak Hill, New River Gorge Bridge)
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